Buy us a coffee/treat

Hello! You’re here because you clicked on “buy us a coffee”. Perhaps you’re a coffee lover like me; you saw the word coffee, had a Pavlov-reaction and showed up here by mistake. No worries, just close this tab and feel free to continue to explore my site ๐Ÿ˜‰ Or maybe you’re actually thinking about buying us a coffee! In that case, read on.

Showing support via Ko-fi.

Let me explain a bit more about “buy us a coffee”. If you like what I’m doing and would like to support us financially, you can click on the “buy me a coffee!” button below. This will take you to my ko-fi page. Here you can choose to “buy me a coffee”: make a small donation (standard is 3 pounds, but you can change the amount) via Paypal. To read more about Ko-fi, click here.

Other ways to show support.

Not feeling the whole ‘coffee/money donating vibe’ but still want to support us in a way? No worries, you’re always more than welcome to show some love by sending us an email:! Or just reply to one of the posts ๐Ÿ™‚

Thank you so much for your support, it truly makes our day!!

With love,


PS. Buster does not like coffee, nor do I like to share mine. But solemnly swear that he’ll get a different, rabbit-appropriate treat.
